own the story

Media training

If you would like to use the public exposure of the media, panel discussions and roundtables to increase your visibility and resonate your story. 

Why is the media useful?

  • In a nutshell it is great PR, if you are invited to speak or be interviewed there is usually a large audience who you can reach and influence. 
  • The media creates interest and focus for your message and is a great way of spreading information about yourself, your company or your products.
  • You can easily inspire members of the audience to reach out and get in touch with you or your company. 
  • Build trust and set the record straight.


  • It’s also very unnatural, even panel discussions can be stressful but being in front of a camera with potentially thousands of people watching can be quite terrifying.
  • There is no context so it’s easy for your words to be misinterpreted.
  • Media has its own set of rules, it’s fast, spontaneous, and unpredictable which means you can quickly feel out of your depth.
  • You may feel provoked by challenging and sensitive questions and then It’s easy to let your feelings get the better of you.
  • Speaking on media platforms is something many of us are not trained for but the journalists are often highly trained.
  • Easy to come across as evasive.

be progressive and have

a simple progressive story

The answer is to have a simple story with simple narrative progression. Taking it step by step making sure you move things forward, connect and are proactive.

Feedback on how your communication style strengthens or undermines your impact and role.

Become skilled at adapting your behaviour and understanding the different outcomes it creates in others so you can build trust and create a sense of security.

Learn to use narrative and storytelling to lead your conversations to create more clarity and mutual understanding.

Quickly read other peoples behaviour and through this better understand their personality and help them share their needs and challenges.

Learn simple techniques to manage yourself comfortably so that you stand your ground and articulate clearly.

Use applied improvisation theatre techniques to find synergies in the moment so you can better match what others want with your own needs.

The training map


What is achievable? To get the most out of the training you need to understand the parameters of the interview situation and the realities of what you can achieve.


Test Interview: What can you achieve already? What are your capabilities? What is your potential?


The power of Impact: How to create a progressive impact through your behaviour that creates a balanced partnership with the interviewer and creates transparency and helps build trust.


Collaboration: how to inspire yourself and also the interviewer through rapport building.


Own the Story: Context setting and bridging techniques to adapt and connect the interview to what you would like to talk about.


Presence: Learn how to trust your presence so that your own charm and personality shine through and you build empathy.


Sensitivity: How to handle challenging and sensitive and also poor quality questions so that you come across as a willing and proactive partner.


Vanity: Know how to deal with challenging personalities.


Practice: At every stage the techniques are drilled, interview scenarios practised.


in person

The course is usually a 1 day programme delivered in person either individually or in small groups.